Window into Conciousness
A Collection of Mandalas

This Mandala depicts the emergence of the royal blue and how it breaks up in relation to the pale yellow, pale olive and this layer reflects the predominant theme for this mandala. The pinks and the violets coming towards the centre then really emphasize the process for the breaking up of the patterns of the past that the old soul might be liberated in relation to the patterns that create the things that we don’t want in our lives rather than the things that we do.

This Mandala is a reflection of how each cell within ourselves has the possibility for growth and expansion. How it is that we find the opportunity within the RNA DNA to activate the higher vibrations of caring and warmth of love, attention and awareness. This painting really gives the opportunity to merge with the universal consciousness, or the sea of consciousness itself.

This Mandala is about the coral, turquoise relationship and where we are in time towards the first quarter of the 21st century. This coral emergence has to do with the way in which we witness or observe ourselves in a non-discriminative way, how it is that the turquoise journey of individuation and the sea of that turquoise energy becomes integrated as we get closer to ourselves, we become more aware of the eye within.

This Mandala is a reflection of how each cell within ourselves has the possibility for growth and expansion. How it is that we find the opportunity within the RNA DNA to activate the higher vibrations of caring and warmth of love, attention and awareness. Also known as ‘The Flowering Coral’ this painting really gives the opportunity to merge with the universal consciousness, or the sea of consciousness itself.

An exploration of how unity unfolds as we accept ourselves deeper, so it is there's the opportunity to find a new beginning for love. Where it is that whatever circumstances or situations where we've judged ourselves in the past, might be able to be overcome in the context of being able to accept ourselves at a deeper level of ourselves.

We have an opportunity in every moment to be free, it's only what we inherently bring into the moment that inhibits the creativity and flow. This mandala really is about this process, the unfoldment that occurs when we enter each moment and how it is that when we find the stillness there is the opportunity for creativity of expression.

This Mandala is an expression of transformation and healing in relation to a caring that allows transmutation at a cellular level to take place. The deep level of unfoldment that is possible as we begin to find our way towards bringing caring and warmth into the cells of ourselves.

This Mandala is a homage to Rumi, who even in dire circumstances was able to give emphasis to the importance of the beloved, the importance of the essence of what devotion might become. Subtly in the background, there's the hint to what almost appears to be Arabic script and it's also how it is that I've always felt that this energy carried in this form of writing was divine language of itself.

It's apparent that the gold really surfaces in this image and it's a reminder towards gold within the depth of ourselves, a recall of the ancient wisdom and what it lies deep within the cellular levels of their being. Whatever it is that is happening, whilst it is that we're pursuing the inner light, so it is that slowly and gently it's possible that gold may begin to emerge.